Web Serving

WordPress Beta Tester

Giving the WordPress Beta Tester plugin a trial.

Applications Notes Web Serving

WordPress patch for problamatic libxml2 version « HooFoo Blog

I have gone throught many post regarding wordpress problem with buggy libxml2 version, The many woraround was downgrade libxml2 version to 2.6.32 or older.  The current version of libxml2 2.7.2 also have bug ’stripping leading angle brackets and & sign’.

via WordPress patch for problamatic libxml2 version « HooFoo Blog.

Web Serving

Web bugs for job scheduling: hack or solution?

In end effect the web bug used by Dokuwiki is probably as effecient and robust as it can be. While the general concept may be remeniscient of generating electricity from a hamster wheel, given an efficient solution, it begs the question: if you have a host which does allow you use of cron, would you still be tempted to live with Dokuwiki’s web bug? Still a dodgy hack or a valid solution?

via SitePoint » Web bugs for job scheduling: hack or solution?.

System Software Notes Web Serving

https – apache2 – 10.5: Enable https on 10.5’s Apache2 web server

This short how-to explains how to get HTTPS/SSL working on Leopard, which uses apache2. First, follow the steps in this hint, but instead of following Step 5, do the following:
Edit /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf, and uncomment the following line (it’s line 473 in my installation):

Modify as necessary for macports conf/certs

This page Using mod_ssl on Mac OS X is also quite good, useful, handy, whatever.

System Software Notes Unix Notes Web Serving

Making ipfw make them go away

sudo ipfw add deny src-ip,

That should do the trick.

Web Serving


Mac OS X Server 10.3.9

How do I know where a “visitor” is coming from?

The most commonly found method is to look at the server setting (let’s use PHP-speak here) REMOTE_ADDR.

That’s all well and good, unless you have turned on the web performance cache for any web site being served.
When you enable the performance cache Apache now returns REMOTE_ADDR in HTTP_PC_REMOTE_ADDR.
Anything that looks at REMOTE_ADDR will get the IP address of the server itself.

SPAM blockers, poll runners, anything that wants to know about who is talking to you. WordPress, etc.

Oh, yes, as a side note: when you enable the web performance cache using ServerAdmin the httpd.conf file and all of the site conf files get re-written. Especially fun is the fact the PHP4 gets re-enabled if you have had it turned off.
Talk about scratching your head for a while.

Web Serving

Speed up page load when index.php is the default

Geeklog – Server:

I found an interesting performance tweek that was staring at me the whole time. After noticing 2-4 second delays in page rendering before geelog would load (I noticed geeklog said it loaded in, say .91 seconds yet from the time I hit enter on the web page, it tool 4-7 seconds to load).

For those using Apache, you MUST list index.php first as your DirectoryIndex . This one fix jumped my render time from 4-7sec to the true .91 sec. Mine looks like this now:

DirectoryIndex index.php index.htm index.html

Take care and happy GL’ing.

I was looking for something else and this little note caught my eye.
Why not try it and see what happens?

Load all the PHP home pages.
Swap the pair (.html / .php).
apachectl graceful
Yes, wall clock time to load pages is shorter.

Who knew?

Web Serving

StorageMojo – Everything You Know About Disks Is Wrong

StorageMojo » Everything You Know About Disks Is Wrong:

Which do you believe?

Costly FC and SCSI drives are more reliable than cheap SATA drives.
RAID 5 is safe because the odds of two drives failing in the same RAID set are so low.
After infant mortality, drives are highly reliable until they reach the end of their useful life.
Vendor MTBF are a useful yardstick for comparing drives.

MarsEdit: Easy weblog editing.

Mac OS X Server System Software Notes Web Serving

Optimizing an Xserve for Web Hosting

Optimizing an Xserve for Web Hosting

A single Xserve is ideally suited for smaller scale Web hosting, where the task is to host a handful of moderate-traffic sites. (With a fleet of Xserves, you could host an eBay or an, but that’s a topic for another article.) The Xserve’s Apache Web server software has a multitude of configuration options. In this article, I will go over how to set up Apache to serve multiple Web sites from the same machine—so-called “virtual hosting.” I will also look at ways to optimize the server’s setup for fast, robust Web hosting. This article assumes that you have already followed the steps in the Mac OS X Server Administrator’s Guide to start Web service. (You can find the Guide on the Mac OS X Server Manuals page.)

Mac OS X Server Web Serving

Kill two Windows servers with one Xserve – Tom Yager

Enterprise Mac | InfoWorld | Kill two Windows servers with one Xserve | December 21, 2006 03:07 PM | By Tom Yager

At its core, Xserve is a two-socket Core microarchitecture Xeon (Woodcrest) rack server. As I wrote in my review, in hardware design, Xserve lives up to market standards. Some touches, like the SAS/SATA drive bays, a PCI-X slot for existing expansion cards and the SuperDrive dual-layer DVD burner, help tip the scale in Xserve’s favor. But the reason to buy Xserve is OS X Server: No other server app platform rivals it, and no other server system runs it. If you want OS X Server, you need a Mac, and Xserve is the only Mac that’s equipped with external drive bays and a baseboard management controller.