
Script Debugger Lite – What a deal

Currently playing in iTunes: 910- North Mississippi Allstars, Paul Thorn, Bonnie Bishop and Declan O’Rourke by West Virginia Public Broadcasting

Discussion Items

Michael Tsai – Blog – The Harmful Consequences of Postel’s Maxim

An implementation that reacts to variations in the manner advised by Postel sets up a feedback cycle:

Source: Michael Tsai – Blog – The Harmful Consequences of Postel’s Maxim


Software in 2014

We’re at an in­flec­tion point in the prac­tice of con­struct­ing soft­ware. Our tools are good, our server de­vel­op­ers are happy, but when it comes to build­ing client-side soft­ware, we re­ally don’t know where we’re going or how to get there.

via ongoing by Tim Bray · Software in 2014.


Why America's Employment System Is so Broken

Marketing guru Seth Godin once said, “Don’t find customers for your products; find products for your customers.”

Employers need to adopt a similar mindset: Don’t find people for your jobs; create jobs for talented people.

via Ask The Headhunter: Why America’s Employment System Is so Broken | The Business Desk with Paul Solman | PBS NewsHour | PBS.

Thanks for passing this along Ernie. Jobs, hmmm.


Mac & the iPad

AskTog, Spring 2010

Mac & the iPad, History Repeats Itself

For those of us around Apple for the launch of the 1984 Mac, things are awfully familiar.

via Mac & the iPad.


Developer Evangelism

A developer evangelist is a spokesperson, mediator and translator between a company and both its technical staff and outside developers.

via Developer Evangelism – home of the Developer Evangelist Handbook:

Thanks for the pointer @mollydotcom