Data Warehouse

Dimensional Modeling Techniques – Kimball Group

Ralph Kimball introduced the data warehouse/business intelligence industry to dimensional modeling in 1996 with his seminal book, The Data Warehouse Toolkit.  Since then, the Kimball Group has extended the portfolio of best practices.Drawn from The Data Warehouse Toolkit, Third Edition, the “official” Kimball dimensional modeling techniques are described on the following links and attached .pdf:

via Dimensional Modeling Techniques – Kimball Group.

Data Warehouse

The 10 Essential Rules of Dimensional Modeling

Follow the rules to ensure granular data, flexibility and a future-proofed information resource. Break the rules and youll confuse users and run into data warehousing brick walls.

via IntelligentEnterprise : Kimball University: The 10 Essential Rules of Dimensional Modeling printable version.