12 Steps to Improving Your Mac’s Performance
It is common for computers to slow down as they age; that’s a fact. This slowdown isn’t just inherent to PCs; it applies to Macs, too. No matter how much care you take, your computer will eventually bog down and perform sluggishly. That’s just the way it goes.
Tag: MacOSXw – Tutorials – Using CVS With XCode
Have you ever been working on a project in Xcode, taken a direction in the code, and wished you hadn’t? You sat there and just wished you could go back to the way your code was three days ago before you decided that bad idea was a really good one. Maybe you work in a team and were frustrated when your coworker was working on the same file you were and saved over the three hours worth of changes you had just made. Both of these issues would be nonexistent if you used some sort of version control in your coding projects. Version control is taken care of by some sort of source code management system. These applications keep track of version history, releases, code differences, and many other features.
Daring Fireball: Dashboard vs. Konfabulator
A sliding puzzle. A calculator. A clock. A little notepad. Tiny little applets — little pieces of software that are something less than full applications themselves, but which run alongside real apps and are easily accessed at any time.
Mac OS 9.2.2: Document and Software
This article contains the Readme documents and links to Mac OS 9.2.2 software downloads.
Mac OS 9.2.1: Document and Software
This article contains the Readme documents and links to Mac OS 9.2.1 software downloads.
macosxhints – A shell/AppleScript interaction trick
However, there is a convention in unix that executable files that do not have a recognizable header (of which #! is one) are passed to /bin/sh for execution. This allows considerable flexibility for use with AppleScript. The most basic idea is to use a first line containing:
Fink – F.A.Q. – Fink Usage
My fink installation was a little messed up by my poor backup strategy. I went hunting and found this mechanism for doing a reset of the CVS libraries on my system. Worked like a charm.
Fink – F.A.Q. – Fink Usage
In this case you need to reset your cvs directories. Use the command:
sudo find /sw/fink -type d -name 'CVS' -exec rm -rf {} ; fink selfupdate-cvs
Switched to WordPress
the third blog I have switched. It has gotten very simple now.