
Logical Area Number

Logical Area Number – I couldn’t remember this exactly… larea is logical area

select rdb$relation_name from rdb$relations
where rdb$storage_id = :larea_no
select rdb$index_name from rdb$indices
where rdb$index_id = :larea_no
select rdbvms$map_name from rdbvms$storage_map_areas
where rdb$storage_id = :larea_no;

If have received ABMBITERR messages you will probably be wanting to do this.

ABMBITERR, inconsistency between spam page and bit in
area bitmap in larea page

Explanation: Either an ABM page contains a bit set for a spam page
that does not manage the logical area of the ABM page
or an ABM page does not contain a bit set for a spam
page that does manage the logical area of the ABM page.

User Action: Use RMU REPAIR to rebuild the ABM pages.

$ rmu/close/cluster DB

$ rmu/repair/abm DB /area=the-area-name-from-the-select

UIS now has a view called LOGICAL_AREA_NUMBER (AREA_NAME, AREA_NUMBER) that can be used to figure this out.