A couple of other points we found recently (these may be very obvious to some):
Read the Rdb 7.1 Install & Config guide as well as release notes (this is slightly less obvious if upgrading from one 7.1 version to another)
Some of the following more apply if you have a shared system disk:
If you use LSE and it is not licensed on every node, do the install on the node with LSE license so Rdb is installed with LSE support
If you only install Rdb on one node, remember to reinstall the DCL tables on the other nodes via
Nearly everything will work but eg rmu/sh stats won’t work until this done
If installing SQL Services, before doing the install define sqlini to nl: – otherwise the IVP will give lots of errors (though it will still think it has worked)
I assume this is the same everywhere, but restarting SQL Services via sysman only works if you define sys$scratch via sysman first, and even then is much slower than via a direct login.
Hope this helps,
Bruce Reardon