Discussion Items Technology

Indigo: Microsoft

Indigo: Microsoft “Indigo” Frequently Asked Questions (“Longhorn” Technical Articles)

Service-orientation describes a new method for architecting connected systems, and is based upon three simple concepts:

A service is a program that other programs interact with using messages.

A client is a program that makes services usable to people.

A connected system is a collection of inter-connected services and clients.

Instead of integrating disparate applications via direct object activations as in distributed object systems, applications expose a set of “services” that other applications can utilize. �With service-orientation, applications running on different platforms and programmed using different development platforms can fully interoperate. In addition, application developers and system integrators do not require specific knowledge of the underlying object models, type systems and protocols of the software being integrated.�Instead, all applications expose their services using standards-based protocols and policy definitions that can be dynamically acquired. �This ‘uncoupling’ of the applications that comprise connected systems enables simpler integration, more flexibility in adapting systems to changes over time, and also enables more reliable operations.

Is this the next technology framework change for the system that is yet to be complete?

How do we cope with building new systems that take years to develop and deploy when the whole infrastructure changes before the first “complete” product can be build?