Unix Notes

macosxhints – 10.3: Create Postfix mail user aliases

macosxhints – 10.3: Create Postfix mail user aliases

Now you should edit the /etc/aliases file. Using your favorite editor (mine is vi), edit the file:
sudo vi /etc/aliases

Aliases are rather simple to set up. You should add any aliases that you want under the heading: # Put your local aliases here. If you want to alias foo so that it is delivered to Bob’s account (bob), then you would do the following:
foo: bob

You can add as many aliases as you want for a person. When you are done, you MUST run the following command for Postfix to load the aliases (starting and stopping Postfix will NOT reload the aliases file):
sudo newaliases


One reply on “macosxhints – 10.3: Create Postfix mail user aliases”

How to add user to the postfix mailserver. Is is i have to add user to /etc/passwd or /etc/aliases.
Please help me anyone.