
Strategic and Tactical Issues in Meta Data Management

Strategic and Tactical Issues in Meta Data Management | Business intelligence, data warehousing and analytics editorial from DMReview

Many major enterprises have invested large amounts of money in meta data management projects and have reaped significant benefits. Many others have invested similar or even greater amounts and have reaped no benefit whatsoever. The difference is not necessarily to be found either in the choice of technologies or in the technical competence of those charged with implementation. What makes the difference is the presence, or absence, of a governance structure for meta data initiatives and the presence, or absence, of a proper separation of strategic and tactical issues.

And don’t forget the issues of material. In the USAF they had Strategic Air Command (SAC), Tactical Air Command (TAC) and Military Airlift Command (MAC).

Someone has to move the “stuff” around and get it where it is needed. Fundamental component. So often ignored.