
Norm Lastovica tracks down Number of Buffers

From the Rdb mailing list –

Here are a couple of the citations from the documentation. I found these
using adobe acrobat and querying for “rdm$bind_buffers”. I recommend
installing the acrobat kit and downloading the rdb documentation onto a PC
so you can easily and rapidly query all the docs…

“You can override the default number of user-allocated buffers by defining a
value for the logical name RDM$BIND_BUFFERS. For more information on
user-allocated buffers, see Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Database Performance and

“USER LIMIT IS max-glo-buffers
Specifies the maximum number of global buffers each user allocates. Because
global buffer pools are shared by all users, you must define an upper limit on
how many global buffers a single user can allocate. This limit prevents a user
from defining RDM$BIND_BUFFERS or RDB_BIND_BUFFERS to use all the
buffers in the global buffer pool. The user limit cannot be greater than the
total number of global buffers. The default is 5 global buffers.

“Specifies the number of database buffers used for storing data during the load
operation. If no value is specified, the default value for the database is used.
(The default value for the database is defined by the logical name RDM$BIND_
BUFFERS, or if the logical is not defined, can be determined by using the
RMU Dump command with the Header qualifier. The RDM$BIND_BUFFERS
logical name, if defined, overrides the value displayed with the RMU Dump
command.) Fewer I/O operations are required if you can store as much data
as possible in memory when many indexes or constraints are defined on the
target table. Therefore, specify more buffers than allowed by the default value
to increase the speed of the load operation.