Today. Probably install Subversion. Nevermind – I don’t want to install a complete apache2.
squash share point
created the squash share point
moved squash users from u to squash
i wonder if I can put the squash databases there as well
Memory Upgrade
added 1GB PC2700U DDR memory – 333MHz
Java Update 1.4.2 – Update 1
Installed on the box
I pulled this from the Apple Discussions
I was very close
Now I think I shall trust cpan a little bit more
Followed instructions at, modified by tip at
perl Makefile.PL –testuser=root
perl -pi -e’s/MACOSX/env MACOSX/’ Makefile
At this point, edit Makefile to remove all instances of -arch i386
make test
make install
Life with CPAN
Life with CPAN
To fix this problem, update the makepl_arg to set INSTALLSITEMAN1DIR and INSTALLSITEMAN3DIR manually.
$ grep makepl_arg /System/Library/Perl/5.8.1/CPAN/
‘makepl_arg’ => q[INSTALLSITEMAN1DIR=/usr/share/man/man1 ↵
Wow – this would have been good to know 2 days ago,
I have carefully cleaned out /man and put things where they belong.
installed wget with fink
Server and client installed. No apparent ill-effects.
libpng safe now
Web access logs
changed all web access logs to combined format
Squash Forums moved
copied the database from the old site
restored the database
changed DNS pointer
verified connection – the phpBB2 version number has a ‘–‘ in the middle on the new server
modified web service logs (combined format)
modified webstats procedure to include the squash log
tested forums/web stats etc.
I think it is moved now.