getting the message out…
Category: microBlog
I need to get better at doing this. In theory this post to my blog should mirror to – excelsiorz
My quest for the perfect “subway read”
via Transportive Reading for Underground Transportation – The New York Times
Randomly think of a thing. Let it bump around your head a bit
Whilst there are some ideas that are more likely to be found in a toaster first, the majority are good ideas with some common themes appearing such as; Session import and Export in Studio One. OMF/AAF support Better MIDI support
via Studio One 4 Article Gathers Record Number Of Comments — Studio One Expert
Helping an Author Gather an Audience
A friend and author is entering the “real world” of publishing and marketing her works. First up is Beloved Lives by Marilyn J. Evans over at Amazon.
The only tools currently being used are Facebook and e-mail through a web interface. All the rest? Nope.
Starting with a blog (WordPress thankfully), needing some Twitter and other exposure as well.
Looks like I am going to be doing a bit more using the blogging tools, and linking/sharing in general.
In the land of the microblogs
We have a place for short-postings