System Software Notes

Calculator does more

Mac OS X Panther (10.3.2)

Re: Hidden capabilities in the Panther Calculator

Russell Stephany
In response to “Hidden capabilities in the Panther Calculator” by Norman Palardy, adding these plug-ins can also be accomplished by using the “plug-ins” section of the Get Info window. The only unusual thing is that you must click the “open” button (or, presumably, double-click) when on the .calcview folder.

There is also an rtf file in the ExpressionSheet.calcview/Contents/Resources/.lproj with information about the expression syntax.

Michael Merwin
The tip from Norman Palardy “Hidden capabilities in the Panther Calculator ” prompted me to look more closely at the calculator and to discover its conversion capabilities including currency conversion with an update feature which takes into account the fluctuation of the dollar on the world markets.