
Finding a Logical Area

rmu/analyze/opt=debug/end=1 DBname/out=logical_areas.dat

select rdbvms$map_name, rdbvms$area_name, rdb$storage_id, rdb$index_id from rdbvms$storage_map_areas

select rdb$relation_name, rdb$storage_id from rdb$relations order by 2


System Index Compression

3.9.4 System Index Compression

When you create a database, you can specify that Oracle Rdb compress the system indexes. To do so, use the SYSTEM INDEX COMPRESSION IS ENABLED clause of the CREATE DATABASE statement. To enable system index compression for an existing database, you must export and import the database and specify the SYSTEM INDEX COMPRESSION IS ENABLED clause with the IMPORT statement.

For system indexes, Oracle Rdb uses run-length compression, which compresses a sequence of space characters from text data types and binary zeros (also called ASCII NUL) from nontext data types. It compresses any sequences of two or more spaces for text data types or two or more binary zeros for nontext data types. See Section for more information on run-length compression.

Compressing system indexes results in reduced storage and improved I/O. Unless your applications often perform data definition concurrently, you should use compressed system indexes.


Searchable Contents

If this site is maintained where it is currently my internal iSearch tools should work just fine, thank you.



Replacement for Manila

It would seem that there isn’t much internal support for Manila at the U. I have a few, topical Manila sites that I probably want to preserve and/or migrate.

MT is a possibility…

Unix Notes

LDAP search from the command line

Get a name, dbkey, and email address from ldap

ldapsearch -LLL -x
“(mail=*payne*@*” dn mail
perl -p -i -e
‘ s/.*cn=(.*)+dbkey=([0-9]+),.*/1~2/; s/mail: (.*)/1/’

all of that on one line – or use the continuation characters

AppleScript Notes

POSIX path or POSIX file

POSIX path or POSIX file

set f to choose file — f is a file object

set p to POSIX path of f — p is Unicode text of the path

set f1 to POSIX file p — f1 is a file object again

set qp to quoted form of p — qp is a path string you can send to Terminal even if it contains spaces or special characters

Applications Notes

Changing keyboard equivalents

Changing keyboard equivalents

The following example would set the Activity Viewer menu item of to be command+shift+A:

defaults write NSUserKeyEquivalents ‘{“Activity Viewer”=”@$A”;}’

The odd characters before the ‘A’ in the previous command, specify the modifiers:

* @ = Command * $ = Shift * ~ = Option * ^ = Control

To use other keys, such as Delete, you will have to use their Unicode codes like this:

@U0008 which would mean command+Delete.

This is really good, since it does not involve modifying the original application, and only applies to your environment, leaving that of others unchanged. I will try to make an app to handle this proceedure some time in the future.

AppleScript Notes

Logging out via AppleScript

From Chris Nebel of Apple’s AppleScript Engineering group

ignoring application responses
  tell application “loginwindow” to <>
end ignoring

The double pointy brackets around the raw event call should be replaced by option-backslash and shift-option-backslash.The “rlgo” is short for “really log out”; if you want the “are you sure you want to log out” dialog, use aevtlogo instead. A future version of AppleScript will have a real command similar to “shut down”.

AppleScript Notes

Extending BBEdit with Glossary Entries That Call AppleScripts

Studio Log – Articles

Extending BBEdit with Glossary Entries That Call AppleScripts

Applications Notes scripts

See Scripts

Notes from “cricket” – one of the Apple engineers working on